December 4: Samson

Judges 13-16

One of the more famous judges, the story of Samson is often taught in Sunday school where strong-man Samson is a hero, and the savage Philistines are the enemy. That’s what we think we know.

What you may not know is that he was born miraculously, announced by an angel of the Lord, and that he was dedicated to the LORD as a Nazirite. But, eventually he grew into an adult, where he presents himself as a stereotypical meathead.

He’s cocky, driven by selfish urges, and generally disobedient to the LORD and the calling on his life. For all of his heroic potential, he abandons his holy calling to lead God’s people and remain faithful to his Nazirite vows. The lust, the flesh, the eyes and the pride of life get the best of him.

We shouldn’t spin this to make Samson anything more than the mess he was. I mean, we can be glad that “God still used him” as we sometimes say, but look at the body count! Look at what he left behind, and look at the fact that he never managed to lead God’s people to repentance, seek the LORD, or bring about a time of peace – hallmarks of an Old Testament judge.

Some characters direct us to Christ because they are like him. Some point us to Christ because they’re the opposite. Interesting how God does that with these characters, right? In Samson, we see a man who looks to his own interests and loses his eyes before also losing his life.

In Christ, we have a miracle-baby who grew up to be a man who gave up his life because he has our interests in mind.

Pastor James Gomez
Prince of Peace Lutheran – Sturgeon Bay


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