December 13: Melchizedek

[Read Genesis 14:18-20, Hebrews 7] 

Melchizedek is a familiar yet obscure character in Genesis.  He held the unusual offices of both king and priest at the same time.  When the writer of Hebrews speaks about Jesus’ unique priesthood, he likens Jesus to being of the priestly order of Melchizedek.

Jesus certainly had a unique priesthood.  He came not only as priest but also as the offering itself!  He left heaven to become a human like us, to die in our place, to redeem us from our sin.

Chris Tomlin reflects the uniqueness of this priestly king in his Christmas song, “A King Like This.”

            A King like this, majesty laying in a manger

A King like this, unto us is born a Savior

The Light, the Light has come.

A King like this, the highest name and the song of heaven

A King like this born of flesh into our suffering

The Light, the Light has come

He is Christ, the Lord

He is Christ, our Savior

I bow my heart before no other name

I bow my heart before no other King

As we celebrate our Savior’s birth this Christmas, hold in awe His uniqueness – not just in history, but in your heart. 

Pastor Mark Schwarzbauer PhD
Family Worship Center – Sturgeon Bay 


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