December 1: Deborah
Judges 4-5 For many who read the story of Deborah in Judges 4 & 5, what sticks with them is the rather gruesome murder of the Canaanite King Jabin, by Jael, the wife of one of the tribal leaders allied against him. While he sleeps, thinking he has found shelter in her tent, Jael drives a tent peg through his eye with a hammer. This is not exactly the easiest material to be discussing in an Advent devotional. But a deeper dive into the story of Deborah brings us rich inspiration during this season of preparation and anticipation for the gift of the Christ child. The Advent stories provide us the examples of courage and faithfulness of women like Elizabeth and Mary who responded to God’s calling in their lives. Deborah is a unique example in the Old Testament of a woman who rises to the moment when God asks her to deliver her people. Deborah was a Judge, the leader of Israel during a time of great oppression, and she was also identified as a prophet. It is remarkable to find a woman...